Friday, October 13, 2017

The Last Jedi Trailer is Fake News

Unless you have been living under a rock this week you know that the first full trailer for Star Wars The Last Jedi dropped during Monday Night Football to many fans' delight. As thrilling as it was to see new Star Wars content, what kind of shenanigans are director Rian Johnson and the Disney marketing machine up to with what was revealed?

Johnson posted on twitter prior to the trailer's release cautioning about what will be seen and suggesting both that what is shown is amazing, but may also give away some big plot points. Some have accused Johnson's post to be one big misdirection itself. Let's address what was seen in the trailer and compare how the face value of what was presented compares to what may actually occur in the film.

Luke is Crazy

So Luke looks like he's become the paranoid Doc Brown type. I wasn't sure how I felt about seeing him this way but I actually think it will be more interesting than him playing the stoic Obi-Wan-type. He obviously sees some value in working with Rey, but it's unclear whether he wants to see that to the end. 


OP Rey Joins With Kylo Ren

So even though it looks like Rey is just going to "training montage" herself to ultimate Jediness, it looks like she'll be a bit confused with what to do with it all. Will she join with Kylo Ren and have him show her the way?


Finn vs. Captain Phasma Round 2

She's back! And she's mad about being tossed the garbage compactor in Episode VII!

Apparently undercover Finn in First Order uniform will clash with the shiny chrominess of Captain Phasma. Since Finn got sliced up by Kylo Ren last movie, there's good reason to think he might win this battle. Then again, Phasma is due to kick some Resistance butt this time around. I'm going to also factor in that this is darker, second chapter of the sequel trilogy.


Kylo Ren Kills His Mom, Too

Kylo Ren, the ultimate emo force wielder. The trailer sets it up like he is going to shoot some photon torpedos right into his mom's face as she stands, staring out at his fancy new TIE fighter from the bridge of her freighter. I see that it would be a tragic, yet poetic way to give the death of Carrie Fisher's iconic character some weight. But, would they have spelled out such a major plot point in the trailer?


Space Wolves Compete With Porgs As the Cutest Creature In The Universe

The last time Star Wars introduced "cute" characters was with arguably the Ewoks back in Return of The Jedi. They were hugely marketable to the youngster crowd and sold tons of toys. Although the Ewoks caused a lot of eye-rolling with the older Star Wars fans, The Last Jedi


Do you disagree with my odds? Which cute creature do you like/hate most? Will you be in line at the your local theater on December 15th when The Last Jedi opens? Let us know in the comments below!